Even though our "journey" began over a year ago when A's picture appeared in my inbox, our real journey begins when A is home. We are so excited to finally get her home, to hold her and love her, to protect her and take care of her....JOY! But there is another side of adoption that is hard. We are taking our little girl away from all that she has ever known...for 6 years...sights, sounds, smells, people, food, etc. Nothing will be the same for her and for her, that will be so hard. As hard as I try to imagine how that must feel, there is no way I can know. I don't know how she will react, but I do know she will grieve and I do know that there will be some time needed for her to learn that we are her mommy and daddy and we love her. It will take awhile for her to trust us and this is why we must be the only ones who meet her needs for several months....the only ones who hug her, hold her, rock her, feed her, put her to bed, and so much more. I will explain all that another time. Right now, I want to rejoice in the fact that we are another week closer to bringing her home! Our Article 5 should have been picked up today, and we hope to hear something about travel in the next 2 weeks.
Thank you all for your prayers and donations. Your support is such a blessing to us! Will you please continue to pray for us and our little girl?
And now to share some of our new pictures.....
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