Sunshine has been home for six months now, and she is 18 months old. And, boy, is she growing! We just went to the doctor for her 18 month check up and she is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. Last night we were looking at the pictures from our first trip to ET. She was so tiny and just army crawling her way around. Now we can't get her to stop running and climbing! She climbs EVERYTHING! This little one has visible biceps. Is that crazy or what?
My big kids and I have started a list of all her words. AMAZING! But my 15 year old informed me that I'm probably the only one who can understand half of them. I guess she's probably right. How many people know that "o-min-ya" is hamburger and "mon-ya" is water. She has been saying "mon-ya" for water since she has been home. I'm not quite sure where that one came from, but I love it and don't want it to go away, although it is...with each time we say the correct word, she'll switch. We've already lost one of the things she came home with and it makes me so sad. In Ethiopia, one of the main languages is Amharic. Remilita learned that "NAY" sp? meant "come" so if someone said that to her she would hold up her arms to be picked up. After we got home, when we would look at pictures of horses and tell her that a horse says "Neigh", she would hold up her arms. Now she knows that a horse says "neigh" and says "uppy, uppy" when she wants someone to hold her. Gone is the only Amharic she knew. :(
Everyday she puts a smile on all of our faces. God has blessed us with a ray of sunshine in our home every day! She loves to make us laugh and has even started to try to make us laugh. This year was her very first Halloween and she had so much fun dressing up. She loved playing the part of a kitty...sounds and all. I think her favorite part, though, was knocking on people's doors. She loves to do that now and if anyone is in the bathroom, you can be sure she will knock on the door until they come out!!!
Our next adoption journey is moving along VERY SLOWLY. Kind of crazy, really, because I thought all the paper work would go so much more quickly this time. And it has on our end. It's just that we still have to wait for others to do their part. But that's okay. I am learning to enjoy each day. With T-mac being away at school for the last 4 months, only being home for one weekend, and knowing he only might be able to come home at Christmas for a couple days, makes me realize how short my time is with our oldest daughter. She has applied to 5 schools, so now we just wait for acceptance letters and do lots of visits and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, for God's guidance. Some days I wonder if you could homeschool the college level. Not really, but it would be nice, right? Letting go is so hard, but a necessary part of growing up. I am so proud of them!